Trump and obstruction of justice

Posted on Dec 5, 2017 in Business Litigation

Trump’s counsel’s new claim that he cannot be held liable for obstruction of justice is just plain silly. As we have learned throughout history — from Richard Nixon to Bill Clinton — no one is “above the law” and believing one is constitutes a dangerous theory. Donald is presumably acting up (for a change) because […]

Harvey Weinstein Exposure (no pun intended)

Posted on Oct 11, 2017 in Business Litigation

The mounting sexual assault and harassment claims against disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein could have severe legal consequences for the executive and his already struggling namesake company. Although it may be difficult to build a criminal case against Weinstein, his alleged mistreatment of women could expose him and his film and TV company to costly […]

College coached indictment

Posted on Sep 29, 2017 in Business Litigation

The U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York recently announced that 10 men with ties to college basketball — including four prominent assistant coaches at Power Five schools, and a high-level executive at Adidas — have been indicted in a major scandal involving fraud, bribery, money laundering and corruption. The filings, which are […]

Thoughts on Trump’s NFL comments

Posted on Sep 24, 2017 in Business Litigation

There is a common theme with the President’s statements and/or tweets — open mouth, insert foot. He did it again when two of the largest sports leagues in the country, the NBA and the NFL, jumped all over his comments. This talk discusses what he said about the NFL. When speaking in Alabama, he jumped […]

Rebel Wilson wins defamation lawsuit

Posted on Sep 14, 2017 in Business Litigation

An Australian Court was correct to slam Bauer Media, publisher of Woman’s Day magazine, in awarding Rebel Wilson $3.6 million for the publisher’s article that called Ms. Wilson a “serial liar” who “fabricated almost every aspect of her life,” including her name, age and childhood, so she could make it in Hollywood. It is a […]

WFAN host Craig Carton faces criminal charges

Posted on Sep 11, 2017 in Business Litigation

Serious criminal fraud charges have been asserted against popular Craig Carton, the benched WFAN host. That is, the federal government has indicted Carton, the New York-based sports radio personality, claiming that beginning in or around the middle of 2016, at about the time he accrued millions of dollars’ worth of gambling-related debts to casinos and […]

Sunset for Settlements?

Posted on Jul 20, 2015 in Blog

ANASD rule change destined to take effect later this year would have the unintended consequence of making it harder for investors to obtain the redress they seek against brokers. Indeed, proposed Rule 2130, which would prohibit the expungement of CRD records unless a claim is factually impossible or clearly erroneous, effectively shoots the consumer in […]

Keep It Dark

Posted on Jul 20, 2015 in Blog

Arbitrations are designed to be the final word in disputes between investors and the firms and reps that serve them. Thus, it is not surprising that when an NASD arbitration panel hands down a ruling, it measures its words carefully. Very carefully. A typical ruling might read like this: “Respondent must pay Claimant ,000 as […]

The ‘Streamlined’ FINRA Arbitration System: Are You Kidding Me?

Posted on Jul 20, 2015 in Blog

On the FINRA website, under the Overview section of “FINRA Arbitration and Mediation,” FINRA describes the Dispute Resolution process as “typically less costly and faster to use as a way to settle a dispute than to take a case to court.” The site goes on to state that “FINRA has extensive experience providing a fair, […]

Reading The FINRA Enforcement Tea Leaves

Posted on Mar 6, 2014 in Business Litigation
Reading The FINRA Enforcement Tea Leaves

For several years the FINRA enforcement arm grew bigger and bigger.  Its staff increased.  The number of actions increased.  The number of fines increased.  The number of bars and suspensions increased.  And the number of litigations/arbitrations was on the rise. Last year, however, appears to have finally fared better for the brokers.  Here are the […]