MLB steps up to the plate: data, data, data

Richard Roth, Esq. – April 17th 2020 The most important aspect of determining how to resolve the Coronavirus as well as how to best get the workforce back in place has come down to testing, as all governors have made it clear that with testing and data, the scientists will be able to forge ahead. […]
The Largest Constitutional Dilemma: The federal government against the states
Richard Roth, Esq – April 13th 2020 President Trump’s claim that he has the power “to open up the states” and not the governors is not only positively false, but was the largest issue that the framers grappled with during the Constitutional Convention. Trump, simply ignorant of the laws, seeks to project an image of […]
Sunset for Settlements?
ANASD rule change destined to take effect later this year would have the unintended consequence of making it harder for investors to obtain the redress they seek against brokers. Indeed, proposed Rule 2130, which would prohibit the expungement of CRD records unless a claim is factually impossible or clearly erroneous, effectively shoots the consumer in […]
Keep It Dark
Arbitrations are designed to be the final word in disputes between investors and the firms and reps that serve them. Thus, it is not surprising that when an NASD arbitration panel hands down a ruling, it measures its words carefully. Very carefully. A typical ruling might read like this: “Respondent must pay Claimant ,000 as […]
The ‘Streamlined’ FINRA Arbitration System: Are You Kidding Me?
On the FINRA website, under the Overview section of “FINRA Arbitration and Mediation,” FINRA describes the Dispute Resolution process as “typically less costly and faster to use as a way to settle a dispute than to take a case to court.” The site goes on to state that “FINRA has extensive experience providing a fair, […]
Five Tips To Keep From Getting Sued

Times are great. The market is soaring. Stocks are generally doing well. And the woes of 2007 and 2008 are a faded memory. And, of course, all customers are singing the praises of their registered representatives – until the next crises.
SAC Executive Indicted: Will Steve Cohen Go Down?
For years, federal investigators have been pursuing Steven A. Cohen, the head of SAC Capital, over suspicions that his hedge fund was a hive of illegal insider trading.
The Predicament of Sympathetic Victims: The Sandusky Trial June 15, 2012

The trial of Jerry Sandusky began Monday before the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte, Pa — and it is ugly. Prosecutors painted a picture of Sandusky using the list of children at the charity as his own personal scouting report, with Sandusky even putting asterisks next to the names of certain boys he wanted to […]
Julie Taymor: Famed Director Sues as an Author
No director has ever prevailed at trial on a copyright claim, but Julie Taymor’s is probably the strongest yet brought. When the producers of Broadway’s “Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark,” set out to make the most elaborate and expensive musical in history, Taymor was
MF Global – John S. Corzine.
John S. Corzine is a remedial student of the lessons learned in the last financial crisis. The head of MF Global had been sheltered from the worst of the nation’s economic woes in office, while he served first as a US Senator and then as a Governor of New Jersey. Now, all at once, the […]